• Greg Pierson


    Retired CEO (Fraud Management, Authentication, Internet Security)

  • In the picturesque city of Portland, Oregon, the story of Greg Pierson, a luminary serial entrepreneur, began. A beacon of leadership, avant-garde thinking, and tenacious willpower, his name became synonymous with pioneering device-based reputation systems. His most notable contribution lies in transforming the landscape of online fraud management and consumer authentication, a testament to his genius.


    His tale is deeply rooted in North Portland. As a child, he shared his world with his parents and younger siblings. However, the winds of change had them move to a more modest abode in Northeast Portland when he was just eight. This home became the backdrop against which his parents painted lessons of grit, commitment, and diligence.


    His father, a diligent facilities manager, showcased the principles of hard work, while his mother, an eloquent English teacher, transferred her passion for language and education to young Greg. The essence of this upbringing was not lost on him; rather, it served as the foundation of his enterprise-driven future.


    Another cornerstone in his life has been his unwavering love for his high school sweetheart. Their love story, now spanning over three decades, is the stuff of legends. Marking 35 years of togetherness, they have been each other's anchor. With two children, their eldest daughter soaring in the realm of higher studies and their son finding his way through high school, the Pierson household resonates with dreams and aspirations. In candid moments, he often emphasizes the crucial role his wife has played in his journey, candidly admitting that his achievements would remain incomplete without her steadfast support.


    His entrepreneurial compass began to take shape during his stint at Accenture as a consultant. Here, he showcased an uncanny knack for untangling intricate business conundrums. His innovative approaches didn't just stop at identifying problems; but he pushed boundaries to craft solutions that were both efficient and sustainable.


    His acumen caught the attention of the corporate world, making him an invaluable asset for titans such as Nordstrom, Bridgestone Firestone, and Land's End. Leading from the front, he helmed teams, driving them toward the successful establishment of expansive business systems. These undertakings weren't just about introducing systems but entailed a thorough revamp of associated processes.


    But Greg is not just about business and innovation. His life's tapestry is interwoven with threads of love, family, dedication, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. The holistic blend of his personal and professional life offers a compelling narrative of what it means to chase dreams without compromising on core values.